Cuddle with the Dakimakura of Mai Sakurajima
If you made Mai Sakurajima your waifu, you would be happy to browse through our Mai Sakurajima Body pillow collection. The question is, "how can people recite when she wears her adorable bunny ears"? Please don't wait for the pillow. Its soft and comfortable fabric is so great for cuddling at night. Feeling sad, lonely, or want to improve your posture? This pillow is an item for a fan of Mai.

Dakimakura(Body pillow) of Mai Sakurajima!
Are you looking for a pillow to quench your otaku thirst and give back pain the love it deserves? Then you've come to the right spot! If not, you've just come across something you never knew you needed. A great cushion that can relieve our stress and give us a good night's sleep is something we should all have. It's not a luxury. It's a necessity! But what if I tell you that you can have the splendor of your waifu imprinted on the pillow you take with you to your bed? Now that's a luxury at a reasonable price for what it offers.
What sets it apart?
Hey, I know how it feels to be an otaku and go through despair each day with the realization that your waifu is inaccurate. Well, the scientific progress is slow, but in the meantime, this Dakimakura is the closest connection to Mai in this realm. The Dakikamura is designed to give you physical therapy, but it provides additional emotional treatment because of the beautiful eyes Mai glares at you with. It's safe to say that insomnia will be a thing of the past after you've made the wise choice of purchasing these pillows. Being in Mai's arms might help you sleep faster and free you from that cell phone addiction.
The best part? The first person you'll put your gaze upon each morning will be none other than Mai herself! Sets you up for a great day. And if you have a bad day, you'll have hope for the next day as Mai will be there waiting for you to come home to her every day. Aside from being the best partner you want for your bedtime, the Dakimakura is a rather aesthetically pleasing pillow with a graceful picture of Mai on it. It's safe to say that it'll play its part in making your room look gorgeous.
Who is Mai Sakurajima?
She's a character who falls into the well-known and loved category of "Tsundere." This means she may try to act out as a severe and angry person, but she's pretty soft. People love her for this, and people will never get over her. And it's an understandable thing! If you get lucky enough to get to know her, you'll soon realize that she's a kind and good-hearted person who'll stand up for her friends in hard times. The cherry on top? She's the perfect student so she might also help you with your studies if you can become a good friend.
Fan of another waifu?
Is Mai not exactly your cup of tea? Hold up. There are tons of other waifu Dakimakura for you to check out. Why not stroll around a bit and see if you like something else?